商务英语学院是2013年组建的一所旨在培养高层次复合型国际商务英语人才的应用研究型学院。学院整合了四川外国语大学在外语与经管法等学科多年形成的人才资源和教学科研优势, 在创新人才培养模式和教学改革中处于全国一流水平。学院现为中国国际商会商业行业商会商务英语研究会副理事长单位, 是重庆市商务英语研究会会长单位和秘书处单位。
学院秉承“精英融外, 探商明道”的精神,坚持特色办学, 融会中西文化, 培养“厚基础,宽口径,重融合,强技能”, 了解国际商务活动规则, 具备较强的跨文化商务交际能力与较高的人文素养, 能参与国际商务竞争与合作的应用型、复合型商务英语专业人才。
学院现有外国语言学及应用语言学(商务英语研究方向)1个二级学科博士点,商务英语专业、商务英语专业(中澳合作办学)和商务英语+国际经济与贸易(双学位)3个专业。2010年,商务英语专业正式招生; 2013年, 商务英语专业(中澳合作)正式招生; 2015年开始招收硕士研究生, 2025年开始招收博士研究生。商务英语专业(中澳合作办学)是学校唯一的获得教育部正式批准的中外合作办学项目, 为中澳两所大学合作举办的国际商务专业跨学科双专业双学位项目。2019年为重庆市立项建设一流专业, 2020年获批为教育部双万计划国家级“一流专业”建设点。在2021-2024软科中国大学专业排名中,商务英语专业获评A+(列全国前2%)。
学院现拥有一支学历层次高、研究成果丰硕、教学经验丰富的高素质师资队伍, 现有专业教师66人, 其中教授9人、博导6人、副教授25人、博士23人(含在读)、外教4人。95%以上的专业教师具有海外学习背景。有二十多名老师长期担任剑桥商务英语考试(BEC)考务官工作。此外, 学院还长期聘请一批具有丰富教学经验和商务实战经验的涉外企业界专业人士担任学生社会商务实践导师,注重教育国际化和英语语言与商务知识的融合。
学院现有全日制在校学生1600余人。学院通过“价值引领”“多元协同”的教学实践体系和“交叉融合”“多措并举”的服务保障手段,形成了“知识、能力、素质”三维并重协调发展的创新型人才培养模式, 人才培养质量获得社会认可。学生因“英语基础牢, 综合素质高, 创新意识好, 具有较强的实践动手能力和行业竞争能力”深受用人单位欢迎。多年来,毕业生就业呈现高层次、高质量、高就业率的良好态势。学院强化实践育人, 大力开展“二三课堂”活动, 学生在全国商务英语实践大赛、商业精英国际挑战赛中国大陆赛区、全国高校商务英语知识竞赛、中国校园戏剧节等学科专业竞赛、文体活动中多次获得优异成绩。
近年来, 学院不断拓展国际合作交流项目, 已与美国、英国、法国、澳大利亚等国家的多个大学建立了本科生交换生和合作办学项目, 国际化办学优势和特色日益凸显。积极拓展和推动校地、校企合作, 充分发挥“外语+专业”人才培养优势, 积极服务社会和地方经济发展。
步入中国特色社会主义新时代,商务英语学院以“立德树人”为根本任务, 以国家一流专业建设为引领, 以提高人才培养质量为核心, 进一步深化教育教学改革、增强科学研究实力、加大国际交流力度、强化文化传承创新、提升社会服务水平, 朝着加快建设特色鲜明的高水平应用研究型商务英语学院的目标不断迈进!
The School of Business English is an applied research institution founded in 2013, with the aim of cultivating high-level composite talents with English proficiency and international business skills. The School is now holding the vice presidency of Committee for International Business English Studies of CCOIC Commercial Chamber of Commerce as well as the presidency and secretariat of Chongqing Business English Research Association. Adhering to the philosophy that “to integrate is elite,to explore wise”, the School steadfastly maintains its unique approach to education and promotes Eastern and Western cultural exchanges.It focuses on cultivating students with a solid foundation, a broad scope of knowledge, multi-discipline integration, and a set of strong skills, aiming to develop applied, multidisciplinary professionals in business English who are well-versed in international business practices, possess robust cross-cultural business communication capabilities and a high level of cultural literacy, and are equipped to engage in international business competition and cooperation. The School currently has one second-level discipline, Foreign Language and Applied Linguistics (Business English), and three majors including Business English, Business English (Sino-Australian cooperative program), and Business English and International Economics and Trade (dual degree program). The Business English major was launched in 2010, followed by Business English (Sino-Australian cooperative program) in 2013. In 2015, the department began offering master's degree programs and offering Doctoral programs in 2025. The Business English (Sino-Australian cooperative program) is the university's only Ministry of Education-approved Sino-foreign cooperative education initiative. This interdisciplinary dual-degree program, jointly developed with an Australian partner university, combines International Business with Business English, granting qualifications from both institutions. The Business English major was approved as one of the provincial first-class programs by Chongqing Municipality in 2019 and one of the national first-class programs of the Double Ten Thousand Plan by the Ministry of Education in 2021.
There are currently 66 teaching staff members in the School, including 9 professors, 6 Doctoral supervisors, 25 associate professors, 23 PhDs (or PhD candidates), and 4 foreign teachers. Over 95% of the faculty members have a study abroad experience, and more than twenty have long served as examination officers for the Cambridge Business English Certificate exams. The School has over 1600 full-time students. With a teaching practice system that stresses value orientation and diverse collaboration and an approach to service guarantee which features interdisciplinary integration and multiple measures, the School has developed an innovative talent cultivation model that emphasizes the coordinated development of knowledge, ability, and quality, and its talent training quality has been highly recognized by society. For many years, the employment of our graduates has shown a positive trend with high levels, high quality, and high employment rates.The School emphasizes practical education and actively engages in a wide range of extracurricular activities. Our students have achieved plenty of excellent results in professional competitions such as the National Business English Practice Contest, the CGMA Global Business Challenge, and the National Contest for College Business English.
Entering a new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics, the School prioritizes moral development through education as its core mission. Committed to cultivating national first-class majors and concentrating on the quality of talent development, it is actively deepening educational and teaching reforms and enhancing its contributions to society.